I find myself in a yogic Triangle pose. My instructor likens it to being stuck between two panels of glass. Left hand on left shin, pelvis and chest rolling open, right arm reaching up and backwards.
You might see the flaws in my technique and the sway of my body with each lapse in focus.You might see a courageous lock-jawed effort at an uncomfortable position. All I see is me stuck desperately between two panels of glass representing my past and my future, wondering how long I can hold the position and what I’m supposed to do next.
I suppose my past would be the glass panel at my back which, depending on the moment, shifts between feeling like it’s there to hold me up and feeling like it’s there to lure, guide then yank me back down to the floor. I suppose my future would be the glass panel inches from my face daring me to lift off without losing my balance.
Two panels of glass. You can’t even see them. But their intense presence is undeniable. And I hold that pose for dear life in order to remain in the present. For just a second longer. Until a voice tells me what I need to do next.
Ha ha! Yes. Get strong girl. At some point you won't be touching either panel, just relying on your core strength to hold you in place. At that point the past and future don't actually matter all that much because whatever they are you can hover in between in the ever-present moment. Just the inhale and the exhale. BTW - how many times to I say "soften your face!" relax your jaw in class! ;)